- /**
- * SAMPLE-AES decrypter
- */
- import { HlsConfig } from '../config';
- import Decrypter from '../crypt/decrypter';
- import { HlsEventEmitter } from '../events';
- import type {
- AudioSample,
- AvcSample,
- AvcSampleUnit,
- DemuxedVideoTrack,
- KeyData,
- } from '../types/demuxer';
- import { discardEPB } from './tsdemuxer';
- class SampleAesDecrypter {
- private keyData: KeyData;
- private decrypter: Decrypter;
- constructor(observer: HlsEventEmitter, config: HlsConfig, keyData: KeyData) {
- this.keyData = keyData;
- this.decrypter = new Decrypter(observer, config, {
- removePKCS7Padding: false,
- });
- }
- decryptBuffer(
- encryptedData: Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer,
- callback: (decryptedData: ArrayBuffer) => void
- ) {
- this.decrypter.decrypt(
- encryptedData,
- this.keyData.key.buffer,
- this.keyData.iv.buffer,
- callback
- );
- }
- // AAC - encrypt all full 16 bytes blocks starting from offset 16
- private decryptAacSample(
- samples: AudioSample[],
- sampleIndex: number,
- callback: () => void,
- sync: boolean
- ) {
- const curUnit = samples[sampleIndex].unit;
- const encryptedData = curUnit.subarray(
- 16,
- curUnit.length - (curUnit.length % 16)
- );
- const encryptedBuffer = encryptedData.buffer.slice(
- encryptedData.byteOffset,
- encryptedData.byteOffset + encryptedData.length
- );
- const localthis = this;
- this.decryptBuffer(encryptedBuffer, (decryptedBuffer: ArrayBuffer) => {
- const decryptedData = new Uint8Array(decryptedBuffer);
- curUnit.set(decryptedData, 16);
- if (!sync) {
- localthis.decryptAacSamples(samples, sampleIndex + 1, callback);
- }
- });
- }
- decryptAacSamples(
- samples: AudioSample[],
- sampleIndex: number,
- callback: () => void
- ) {
- for (; ; sampleIndex++) {
- if (sampleIndex >= samples.length) {
- callback();
- return;
- }
- if (samples[sampleIndex].unit.length < 32) {
- continue;
- }
- const sync = this.decrypter.isSync();
- this.decryptAacSample(samples, sampleIndex, callback, sync);
- if (!sync) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- // AVC - encrypt one 16 bytes block out of ten, starting from offset 32
- getAvcEncryptedData(decodedData: Uint8Array) {
- const encryptedDataLen =
- Math.floor((decodedData.length - 48) / 160) * 16 + 16;
- const encryptedData = new Int8Array(encryptedDataLen);
- let outputPos = 0;
- for (
- let inputPos = 32;
- inputPos <= decodedData.length - 16;
- inputPos += 160, outputPos += 16
- ) {
- encryptedData.set(
- decodedData.subarray(inputPos, inputPos + 16),
- outputPos
- );
- }
- return encryptedData;
- }
- getAvcDecryptedUnit(
- decodedData: Uint8Array,
- decryptedData: ArrayLike<number> | ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer
- ) {
- const uint8DecryptedData = new Uint8Array(decryptedData);
- let inputPos = 0;
- for (
- let outputPos = 32;
- outputPos <= decodedData.length - 16;
- outputPos += 160, inputPos += 16
- ) {
- decodedData.set(
- uint8DecryptedData.subarray(inputPos, inputPos + 16),
- outputPos
- );
- }
- return decodedData;
- }
- decryptAvcSample(
- samples: AvcSample[],
- sampleIndex: number,
- unitIndex: number,
- callback: () => void,
- curUnit: AvcSampleUnit,
- sync: boolean
- ) {
- const decodedData = discardEPB(;
- const encryptedData = this.getAvcEncryptedData(decodedData);
- const localthis = this;
- this.decryptBuffer(
- encryptedData.buffer,
- function (decryptedBuffer: ArrayBuffer) {
- = localthis.getAvcDecryptedUnit(
- decodedData,
- decryptedBuffer
- );
- if (!sync) {
- localthis.decryptAvcSamples(
- samples,
- sampleIndex,
- unitIndex + 1,
- callback
- );
- }
- }
- );
- }
- decryptAvcSamples(
- samples: DemuxedVideoTrack['samples'],
- sampleIndex: number,
- unitIndex: number,
- callback: () => void
- ) {
- if (samples instanceof Uint8Array) {
- throw new Error('Cannot decrypt samples of type Uint8Array');
- }
- for (; ; sampleIndex++, unitIndex = 0) {
- if (sampleIndex >= samples.length) {
- callback();
- return;
- }
- const curUnits = samples[sampleIndex].units;
- for (; ; unitIndex++) {
- if (unitIndex >= curUnits.length) {
- break;
- }
- const curUnit = curUnits[unitIndex];
- if (
- <= 48 ||
- (curUnit.type !== 1 && curUnit.type !== 5)
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- const sync = this.decrypter.isSync();
- this.decryptAvcSample(
- samples,
- sampleIndex,
- unitIndex,
- callback,
- curUnit,
- sync
- );
- if (!sync) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- export default SampleAesDecrypter;